Item #1 (John-An Interpretation)
Item #2 (Hebrews-An Interpretation: Second Thoughts)
Item #4 (A Liturgical Approach to Scripture and Tradition)
Item #5 (Titus 2,13 and the Mass)
Item #6 (“A Vision of Wholeness”: A Response)
Item #7 (Book Review of W. Brian Shelton, Quest for the Historical Apostles)
Item #8 (Psalm 22, the Faith of Jesus and Christian Justification)
Item #9 (Seventeenth Peter Richard Kenrick Lecture)
Item #10 (Hopkins and the Intuition of Fall)
Item #11 (The Agony in the Garden)
Item #13 (On the Centrality of the Mass)
Item #14 (Some Signs of God in the Synoptics)
Item #15 (Learning from Vatican II)
Item #16 (The Hermeneutical Challenge of Vatican II)
Item #18 (A Handy Map of God’s Second Thoughts)
Item #20 (Genesis 22, Hebrews, and a Hermeneutic of Faith)
Item #21 (Some Wild Surmises on the “Our Father”)
Item #25 (History of the Propaedeutic Year)
Item #26 (The Institution of the Church in Hebrews 3,3-4)
Item #27 (Suggested Outline of the Epistle to the Hebrews)
Item #28 (The First Christians)
Item #29 (Ignatius and Providence: An Essay)
Item #30 (Toward a More Explicitly Catholic Approach to the Teaching of Sacred Scripture)
Item #32 (A Review of A Theology of the Christian Bible)
Item #34 (The Prologue of Hebrews Reconsidered)
Item #35 (A Homily for a Baptism)
Item #36 (The Prologue of 1 John)
Item #37 (Speculations on the Gospels)
Item #38 (The Empty Tomb Narratives)
Item #39 (Some Thoughts on the Origin of the Christian Faith)
Item #40 (Hebrews 2,10 and Hebrews 2,17)
Item #41 (Cause and Condition in Hebrews 3,7 – 5,10)
Item #42 (The Crux at Hebrews 11,11)
Item #43 (The Christian Tôdâ and Justification)
Item #44 (Select Observations on the Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews)
Item #45 (Detailed Thoughts on the Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews)
Item #46 (An Important Book on an Important Problem)
Item #47 (Validity in Interpretation)
Item #49 (Contraception is Intrinsically Evil)
Item #51 (Dennis J. McCarthy, Treaty and Covenant. 2nd ed.)
Item #52 (Archaeological Tour, July 1975: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria)
Item #53 (Archaeological Tour, July 1976: Iraq, Iran, Turkey)
Item #55 (My resignation as a Book Reviewer)
Item #56 (On the Uses of Scripture)
Item #57 (Greece and Scripture)
Item #58 (God’s Sign in the Synoptics)
Item #59 (On “Getting Inside a Text”)
Item #60 (Jesus and Genesis 22)
Item #63 (The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist)
Item #64 (Sincerity is Not Enough)
Item #65 (Some Second Thoughts on Oxford)
Item #66 (Catholic Doctrine as A Healing Element)
Item #69 (The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist)
Item #70 (Some Suggestions Involving Clarifications)
Item #71 (The ending of John’s Gospel Revisited)
Item #72 (Life as a Guided Initiative)
Item #73 (Jesus and Isaac and Some New Suggestions)
Item #74 (Eve in a Contemporary Setting)
Item #75 (Persons of the Past)
Item #76 (A Prayer for One Who Realizes His/Her Initiative is Guided)
Item #77 (Scripture and Tradition in the Light of Personal Judgement)
Item #79 (Love Invites Understanding)
Item #80 (More on John’s Role Identifying Jesus)
Item #83 (“I am” in the Gospel of John)
Item #85 (A Break with the Law)
Item #86 (On Leaving Their Father)
Item #87 (Review of Mysteries of the Lord’s Prayer)
Item #88 (The Mass as the Center of My Catholic Life)
Item #89 (Scripture and Tradition)
Item #90 (The Core of Being Christian)
Item #91 (Catholicism and Scripture as Seen by a Contemporary Convert)
Item #92 (The Meaning of “Father”)
Item #93 (“… and their eyes were opened”)
Item #94 (Will you also go away)
Item #95 (Some Thoughts on a Book by George Weigel)
Item #96 (The Future Epoch of the Church)
Item #97 (The Assumption As Portrayed in Scripture)
Item #100 (The Gospel of John, Apostle and Evangelist)
Item #101 (Concern for What Needs Concern)
Item #102 (Some Mulling about the Future)
Item #103 (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Item #104 (Serving Jesus Christ in the Eucharist)
Item #105 (Refusal to Believe in the Words of Christ)
Item #106 (Two Helpful Books on Scripture)
Item #107 (A Note on Reacting to “Forever”)
Item #108 (On the Elimination of Tribes)
Item #109 ( A Christmas Greeting)
Item #111 (Legitimacy on the Other Side of Death)
Item #112 (Why the Priesthood is for Men Only)